Tuesday, April 3, 2012

PACISE 2012 - Victory!

The Programming Team competed (as always) in this year's PACISE competition.  PACISE is the annual conference for faculty who teach computer science or information systems in PASSHE schools and always includes a programming competition for our students.

Our first team, Ship Derezzed! (Jessica Burns, Steve Bussey, and Danielle Johnston) placed first solving 4 of the 6 problems (NOT the one I submitted!)  Team Sigh (Josh Beck, Josiah Knoll, and Noah Kline) solved two problems and Hexadecimators (Emily Bruckart, TJ Dalious, and Fred Young) solved one problem.

As part of the conference, they got to see a presentation by one of the engineers who helped develop Watson, so it was a successful trip on all fronts!

Back row: Noah KlineJoshua Beck, Danielle Johnston, Fred YoungJosiah Knoll, and Tj Dalious.
Front(ish) row: Matt Miller, Steve Bussey, Jessica Burns, Emily Bruckart, and Matthew Hydock.